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A subtle bit of genius hidden in a Mount Snow marketing video.

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This happened about a year and a half ago, but I just noticed it today for the first time as I was reviewing some video content for a different post.

So being, let’s back up and set the stage a bit.

For a long time, Mount Snow was working on a thing called the West Lake Water Project. A big improvement to their snowmaking system, it was something they talked about quite a bit during 2017.

The tweet above is relevant to what I want to talk about, so notice that this project started to wind down very early in August 2017.

Projects Everywhere
We all have behind-the-scenes projects like this whether you’re at a resort, a vendor, an agency, or flying solo. Things that aren’t readily visible, but lead to opportunities down the road. Things like:

  • Fixing electrical issues that were causing outtages
  • Upping your server after seeing more downtime than you expected
  • The capital you secured that makes other improvements possible

There are better examples than that, but the challenge with these and others is simply this: it’s really easy to forget about them once they’re over.


Because we’re marketers. And as soon as we ship one message out the door, another is waiting to be crafted. Just as you can’t remember what you ate for lunch 18 days ago, it’s hard to keep top-of-mind a marketing message when 17 others have since passed through your brain.

Tie it All Together
With that sidebar out of the way, let’s return to our story.

It’s now November 2017 and Mount Snow is breaking out the snowmakers for the first big push of the 2017/18 season. It’s been a full three months since the West Lake Water Project wrapped up. Season pass sales have ramped back up, dozens of emails campaigns have gone out the door, tradeshows booths are being printed, etc.

But give this a watch and see what you notice about 30 seconds in.

Kelsey King, after talking about how exciting it is to be back in snow, says:

“This couldn’t be happening without all the hard work that went into the West Lake Water Project.”

This is such a small thing, but it’s also massive. Instead of getting lost in the sea of marketing today, Mount Snow managed to keep top-of-mind all the stuff from the past that made such a day possible and tie those pieces together beautifully.

So simple, but really hard to do and something I’m constantly trying to get better at. Great work by Kelsey and the Mount Snow team.

About Gregg & SlopeFillers
I've had more first-time visitors lately, so adding a quick "about" section. I started SlopeFillers in 2010 with the simple goal of sharing great resort marketing strategies. Today I run marketing for resort ecommerce and CRM provider Inntopia, my home mountain is the lovely Nordic Valley, and my favorite marketing campaign remains the Ski Utah TV show that sold me on skiing as a kid in the 90s.

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