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Three ways ski resorts recapped their season…without making another video.

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Video recaps are lovely and I’ve shared a handful of these in the past, but I’ve also talked a lot in recent years about choosing the right medium for a message.

Yes, video is super engaging, but it also can take more work than other types of content.

So what other options are out there and how are resort’s celebrating all of the highlights from their recently-ended seasons without having someone jump into a video editor for a while? Here are three I’m digging this year.

1) Bridger Bowl Infographic

I really like this approach from Bridger Bowl. Not only is it clever and effective, this format also means it could be shared on multiple channels as is instead of simply posting a link to the full content.

bridger bowl recap inforgraphic

The graphic did a great job of sharing stats that give a unique look at skier visits – like how many paninis they sold – things they were proud of – like how much their raised for local charities – and how many people it took to run the resort.

Infographics may not be a tool folks turn to as much as they used to, but they’re still a really effective way to distilling lots of info into a tidy packages.

2) Palisades Tahoe’s Blog Post

When you’re recapping top moments, a simple approach is what the Palisades Tahoe team did with a classic Top 10 list. Yes, this could have been a video, but they opted for a blog post instead and the result is solid.

screenshot of palisades tahoe season recap blog post

This list included everything from resort upgrades to concerts and big snowstorms to the northern lights. My favorite part of this list is that they didn’t get too wordy and let a simple sentence or two support whatever visual they had. Attention spans are real and they worked with that constraint instead of fighting against it.

3) Jackson Hole’s Gallery

Technically this one is also a blog post, but taking advantage of some flexibility in their CMS/design as well as the fact that their team cranks out some of the best visuals in the biz, Jackson Hole’s recap page highlights all of their best videos by embedding them (instead of creating a new edit) and then compliments that section with a beautiful, full-width photo gallery.

Even with my love of video, the photo gallery is perhaps my favorite part. A great still image is such a powerful way to experience a specific moment and this gallery does a beautiful job of taking a skier through their season photo-by-photo.

Beyond Video

Again, video is great, but it’s not the only way to recap a season. Hopefully these examples sparked a few ideas of your own if looking back on a great winter is something you still want to do or are thinking about for next year.

Kudos to Bridger Bowl, Palisades Tahoe, and Jackson Hole for telling these stories in new, thoughtful ways.

About Gregg & SlopeFillers
I've had more first-time visitors lately, so adding a quick "about" section. I started SlopeFillers in 2010 with the simple goal of sharing great resort marketing strategies. Today I run marketing for resort ecommerce and CRM provider Inntopia, my home mountain is the lovely Nordic Valley, and my favorite marketing campaign remains the Ski Utah TV show that sold me on skiing as a kid in the 90s.

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