Social7 has been humming along nicely for about 2 months now. With a bunch of feedback and data, it’s time to make some updates to fit the needs of the folks that are using it. In case you missed it, the basic idea is this:
So, what changes have I made? Three simple improvements that I think will help.
1) Compare Up to 5 Resorts
When you log in to your account, instead of having three resort selection boxes, you’ll have 5. This may be more than you want, but if you want to add two more resorts to your report, you can now do so.
2) Include / Hide the Reading List
I realized quickly that some people were signing up mainly for the update to the weekly stats. The articles each week get a lot of clicks, but it’s typically the same clickers each week. So, if you log in to your account, you can now hide the reading list in future emails. You can undo this at any time.
3) Preview Your Email
This was a feature I realized quickly that I wanted and figured it would be useful to others as well. Let’s say you make changes to your email settings and would like to see how it would look. There is now a “Preview my email ยป” link at the top of your settings page to see how it would look without having to wait until your next email is sent.
UP NEXT: Compare Non-Resort Profiles
I’ve heard from many of you that there are many other pages you’d like to see stats for outside of the resorts included in the my database. I even have a list from some of you of things to add which I’ll get added once I get a few data grabbing bugs worked out. These include pages like:
The real solution to this would be to give you the option to replace any of the drop down resort lists with a text box that you could enter a username or profile URL into. If there is enough of a demand for this, I can work on this sort of system.
So, let me just ask and you can answer in the comments section below: if I made it so you could add any social profile (not just resorts) to your Social7 email, would you use that feature?
Or is there something else you’d like to see added?
About Gregg & SlopeFillers
I've had more first-time visitors lately, so adding a quick "about" section. I started SlopeFillers in 2010
with the simple goal of sharing great resort marketing strategies. Today I run marketing for resort ecommerce and CRM provider
my home mountain is the lovely Nordic Valley,
and my favorite marketing campaign remains the Ski Utah TV show that sold me on skiing as a kid in the 90s.
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