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A highlight reel of seasons past, Big Sky’s latest video builds stoke at just the right time.

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Unofficial Networks called it a rowdy hype video, Big Sky’s title was “welcome to winter,” but whatever the name, this video is a solid piece of content.

The simple approach combines two simple things:

  • Evergreen Content
  • Smart Timing

Let’s look at those quickly before I actually pull the curtain back on the video (don’t you DARE scroll down without reading this next bit…)

Evergreen Content
I haven’t been shy about my love of evergreen content as of late. Reusing old edits and posts and images when they make sense instead of always feeling pressured to create new.

Smart Timing
There’s an interesting thing that happens this time of year that I’ll try to illustrate with this chart of chart that shows daily open average open rates and social media engagement.

You see, after we get that first snow and perhaps the first nights of snowmaking or the first few resorts in the country spinning their lifts, engagement quickly starts to drop to where it will sit until resorts start to close.

That said, there are two schools of thought:

  1. Ride the wave early to get the most reach and engagement.
  2. Do something to keep it high at a time when people can actually turn that stoke into days at the mountain.

Big Sky opted for the latter, releasing their video in late November instead of mid-October.

And here it is.

See the strategy? A week before opening day when interest and engagement is waning and conditions aren’t there yet to create the level of stoke they desired with new content, Big Sky reinjected some excitement into their audience and skiers by using creating something relevant with nothing but previously generated visuals.

I like it. A lot.

Great work, Big Sky team. Well done.

About Gregg & SlopeFillers
I've had more first-time visitors lately, so adding a quick "about" section. I started SlopeFillers in 2010 with the simple goal of sharing great resort marketing strategies. Today I run marketing for resort ecommerce and CRM provider Inntopia, my home mountain is the lovely Nordic Valley, and my favorite marketing campaign remains the Ski Utah TV show that sold me on skiing as a kid in the 90s.

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