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Social Media
544k Resort Video Views Last Month: How Many Were Yours?

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My nerdiness is extra obvious each week when I start getting giddy about pulling the latest social media stats for the industry. YouTube is extra exciting because, with over 17,000,000 total video views, the numbers are bigger and paint a different picture. This month, ski resorts on YouTube alone (not counting Vimeo, self hosted, etc.) received 544,743 video views. If we take a standard video advertising CPM of $40 (an gross understatement since these aren’t ads but rather videos people have chosen to watch), the worth of these views totals $21,789. Here’s the breakdown of the latest data pull from the Top 25 Ski Resorts on YouTube list.

Also note that YouTube numbers as well as state and regional rankings for all ski resort social media dashboards are now updated as well.

Notable Stats & Figures

  • Total new video views: 544,743 (3.28% growth)
  • Fastest growth (top 25 resorts): Stevens Pass – 12.80%
  • Fastest growth (10,000+ video views): Snowshoe Mountain – 21.57%
  • Jackson Hole becomes new #1 resort, just beating out Sunday River
  • Mont Tremblant rejoins the list at #25, pushing Park City to #26

Growth by Region

  • Southeast: 13.03%
  • West Coast: 3.74%
  • Midwest: 3.58%
  • Rocky Mountain: 3.05%
  • Canada: 2.85%
  • Mid Atlantic: 2.22%
  • New England: 2.16%

All the Changes

  • Stevens Pass (+3)
  • Loveland (+2)
  • Jackson Hole (+1)
  • Attitash (+1)
  • Mont Tremblant (+1, was #26)
  • Sunday River (-1)
  • Mt Bachelor (-1)
  • Northstar (-1)
  • Park City (-1, now #26)
  • Windham (-2)
  • Whitefish (-2)

About Gregg & SlopeFillers
I've had more first-time visitors lately, so adding a quick "about" section. I started SlopeFillers in 2010 with the simple goal of sharing great resort marketing strategies. Today I run marketing for resort ecommerce and CRM provider Inntopia, my home mountain is the lovely Nordic Valley, and my favorite marketing campaign remains the Ski Utah TV show that sold me on skiing as a kid in the 90s.

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