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With Tamarack’s New Lease on Life, They’re Making Every Improvement Count

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It boggles my mind sometimes how a multi-million dollar improvement at some resorts can be little more than a footnote in a press release.

Perhaps it’s the luxury of cash on hand at some resorts that resigns such upgrades to this fate, but Tamarack Idaho, recently out of bankruptcy, is not one of those.

And, as such, they’re making every improvement count.

Marketing + GM
If you hadn’t heard, Brad Larsen is the new GM at Tamarack.

But if you know Brad, you’ll also know that his two previous jobs were leading the marketing departments of Sugarloaf, Maine and later Telluride, Colorado.

WIth that background, I was very interested to see how his marketing side would influence his GM role. It didn’t take long to see the result.

New Video Series
What Brad did was take those “minor” improvements out of the footnotes of press releases. In fact, he took them out of press releases completely and put them front and center in a series of videos.

Each showcases one improvement and lets Brad and other players on the Tamarack team get in front of skiers and connect on a semi-personal level.

For example, installation #2 is about clearing growth off advanced trails:

Brad kicks it off and Jonathan takes it from there and talks not just about what he’s doing, but why he’s so excited about it.

The September 1 intsallement covers the real estate market with Trisha Sears.

Upbeat, optimistic about the future with numbers to back it up. And notice that “Tam Fam since…” title? Perhaps a hat tip to Brad’s days at Sugarloaf (“Sugarloafer since…”) on that one.

I Really Like This
I believe that just about every dollar of spend on capital improvements carries at least some PR or marketing value.

The small business, every-dollar-counts mentality is refreshing to see at Tamarack and will hopefully serve them well during their comeback.

Good stuff.

About Gregg & SlopeFillers
I've had more first-time visitors lately, so adding a quick "about" section. I started SlopeFillers in 2010 with the simple goal of sharing great resort marketing strategies. Today I run marketing for resort ecommerce and CRM provider Inntopia, my home mountain is the lovely Nordic Valley, and my favorite marketing campaign remains the Ski Utah TV show that sold me on skiing as a kid in the 90s.

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