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Answers & Lessons: “How’s Your Doublecork Afterbang?”

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Now I suppose we’ll find out how in tune I am with the crowd, eh? ;) Before I get to the answers, let me talk a little bit about why I created this life-altering quiz. The main reason is to bring these park-addicts up the list of marketing priorities. I love seeing things like Carinthia and Big Bear Mountain where a huge portion (if not all) of the mountain is devoted to parks. Things like this speak loud and clear to this group that they not only matter, but your resort makes their jibbing, spinning, and flipping needs a priority.

For those of you that only put up a few rails or jumps built by your ski patrol, it may be time to rethink your strategy and find ways to tap into this huge market of extremely passionate freestyle skiers and boarders that have money to spend or parents that will spend it on them.

Next season when you make snow for the first time, throw up a few rails and invite the park guys to come out and play. They’ll show up in droves hiking all afternoon for their rails. Offer the same thing for regular skiers. If you’re lucky, one or two will drop by to hike for a few turns before calling it a day. These park skiers and boarders are amazingly devoted to what they do. They live in a culture of progression and comradery. Make sure they aren’t overlooked. Make sure that they have a place of their own on your mountain.

Without further delay; the answers.

Q1: What is the difference between a boardslide and a frontside boardslide?
A: Frontside boardslide is going down a rail with your board perpandicular to the rail with your back facing down the hill. Boardslide is the same but you are facing down the hill.

Q2: What is the difference between a flipped trick and a corked trick?
A: Flipped trick is one that is fully inverted. Corked is halfway between inverted and a regular flat-spin.

Q3: What does the word “afterbang” mean?
A: An afterbang is when, after you do a trick, you land with incredibly smooth style, like it was nothing at all.

Q4: Who is often referred to as the “King of Afterbang”?
A: Tom Wallisch.

Q5: A snowboarder can spin two directions. What are the two names for them?
A: Frontside and backside.

Q6: What trick did I just do if my buddy says, “Nice 50-50.”?
A: It means I rode a rail on a snowboard straight on, board parallel to rail, the whole board touching the rail.

Q7: Define “gaper”.
A: A clueless beginner.

Q8: If I talk about there being lots of “groms” on the hill today, what am I referring to?
A: Smaller, younger kids.

Q9: Name a grab that both a skier and snowboarder can do.
A: Most common would probably be “mute” but there are others like “tail” and “nose” or maybe even “truck driver”.

Q10: If I want to become the next “Superunknown”, where should I go for info?
A: Level 1 Productions put on this contest, so I’d head there.

BONUS: Name two Superunknowns.
A: There have been 7 winners so far: Corey Vanular, J.D. Zicat, Mike Clarke, Tom Wallisch, Jon Brogan, Niklas Eriksson. and Logan Imlach

About Gregg & SlopeFillers
I've had more first-time visitors lately, so adding a quick "about" section. I started SlopeFillers in 2010 with the simple goal of sharing great resort marketing strategies. Today I run marketing for resort ecommerce and CRM provider Inntopia, my home mountain is the lovely Nordic Valley, and my favorite marketing campaign remains the Ski Utah TV show that sold me on skiing as a kid in the 90s.

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