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With lockdown ongoing in Ontario, Brimacombe made a poutine pivot.

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It’s been a tough year in Ontario. With cases on the rise, ski resorts were forced to shut down. It’s been a challenging season for a lot of resorts, but it’s hard to argue to Ontario might have the worst of it.

Which is exactly why I have been so impressed by what the resorts in that province have been doing. The wins they have been able to make happen. The good they are managing to do.

No matter how small.

A Poutine Pivot
One of the my favorites is coming out of Brimacombe where the closures forced them to lay off more than 275 employees. Yet, the ones who remained managed to bring in a little revenue and a unique connection to their community.

What was their solution? Drive-thru pickup for their popular poutine.

This won’t make much more than a dent in the grand scheme of things, but it broadcasts loud and clear the values, brand, and resilience of the resort and people behind the scenes.

And, man, it feels a lot better to do something than nothing.

I have nothing but kudos for our friends in Ontario.

The virus has taken a terrible toll on many fronts, but you’ve done amazing things with the cards you’ve been dealt. Keep it up. You’ve got a lot of people pulling for you.

About Gregg & SlopeFillers
I've had more first-time visitors lately, so adding a quick "about" section. I started SlopeFillers in 2010 with the simple goal of sharing great resort marketing strategies. Today I run marketing for resort ecommerce and CRM provider Inntopia, my home mountain is the lovely Nordic Valley, and my favorite marketing campaign remains the Ski Utah TV show that sold me on skiing as a kid in the 90s.

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