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Ticket & Pass Sales
We’ve got 4-packs and we’ve got midweek prices, but both? Good call, Blue Mountain.

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Today is a holiday in the states. It’s also a Monday.

During the winter this is a match made in heaven. Holidays mean folks are off of work or school and this freedom on a normally slow day is a nice little boost for resorts.

But what about the other 75 midweek days during the ski season? How do you fill your slopes then? Here’s one idea from Blue Mountain, PA.

Midweek Pricing
Midweek pricing is extremely common in the ski industry, but it’s not ubiquitous. For example, taking a random sample of 10 resorts (and by random I mean the first 10 resorts I thought of without repeating states):

Resort Midweek Weekend Savings
Diamond Peak, NV $74 $74 0%
Brighton, UT $79 $79 0%
Crystal, MI $52 $72 28%
Pico, VT $76 $76 0%
Beech, NC $38 $65 41%
Red River, NM $73 $73 0%
Big Sky, MT $119 $119 0%
Toggenburg, NY $50 $50 0%
Loon, NH $85 $95 11%
Shawnee Peak, ME $47 $65 28%

You start to see a pattern that holds fairly true throughout the industry: midweek is a typically found in the east/midwest with small to mid-sized resorts tending to use this pricing strategy the most.

And then we have 4-packs. For a group of 10 4-packs I looked at earlier this year, the averages placed into a similar table would look like this:

Metric Midweek Weekend Savings
4-Pack Avgs $49 $84 41%

And remember, these are good for tickets that are good any day of the week including weekends.

Blue Mountain’s Midweek 6-Pack
What Blue Mountain has done is mashed these two concepts together.

Let’s get our table back here and see what it looks like:

Metric Midweek Weekend Savings
Single Ticket $40 $55 27%
6-Pack Avgs $27.50 $55 50%

Now Blue doesn’t have on-mountain lodging so there’s nothing on that end factoring into their decision to make it a 6-pack (aka, to prevent someone using this for a one-week vacation), but I like the idea of selling 6 instead of 4 simply because it gets more from the trade. Instead of “commit to 4 days for a big discount” it’s “commit to 6 days for a slightly bigger discount.”

I like this quite a bit.

It’s middle ground for the midweekers, priced well to keep value high but increase transaction size, and with a discount of 50% opens the door for some experiments as well.

About Gregg & SlopeFillers
I've had more first-time visitors lately, so adding a quick "about" section. I started SlopeFillers in 2010 with the simple goal of sharing great resort marketing strategies. Today I run marketing for resort ecommerce and CRM provider Inntopia, my home mountain is the lovely Nordic Valley, and my favorite marketing campaign remains the Ski Utah TV show that sold me on skiing as a kid in the 90s.

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