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The SlopeFillers “Hall of Fame”

What we often call “curation” is simply stacking. Old stuff gets covered by new stuff. It really is that simple.

But because no two things are created equal, it begs the question: How do we making the most important stuff – the stuff that may be on the bottom of the stack – visible again. How do we give important content a shelf life of more than a few days but also cover new and real-time topics?

My first attempt at this within the bubble of SlopeFillers is what I’m calling the “Hall of Fame”, the posts that I felt were the most important. I’ll try to keep this list short, but here’s some of the big ones.

Does the Ski Industry & Resort Marketing Need EpicMix?
EpicMix is one of the more successful and important resort marketing platforms we’ve seen in a while.
Read this Post – Part 1
Read this Post – Part 2
(for further reading: Follow Up 1, Follow Up 2, Follow Up 3)

Why I Feel Our Biggest Marketing Opportunity is Also Skiing’s Biggest Competitor
An exploration into the idea that virtual experiences don’t have to be better than actual experiences to change behavior.
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Is the Business of Ski School Holding Back the Ski Industry’s Growth?
We struggle to grow numbers, but hide the knowledge of skiing behind paid fences. What are the effects and alternatives?
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My Vision of the Future of Resort Email
Email is a powerful medium. It’s also my favorite. It also lacks innovation. With a little bit of love, this is where I see it going.
Read this Post – Part 1
Read this Post – Part 2
Read this Post – Part 3
Read this Post – Part 4
Read this Post – Part 5

A Really Interesting Lesson I Learned from Arapahoe Basin’s Winning Opening Day
Arapahoe Basin was the first in the US to open on an October Friday in 2014. The following Monday, however, tells us a fascinating story about skiers.
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An Open Letter to Skier Entrepreneurs: Fix Problems, Don’t Create New Ones
An industry with the challenges we face doesn’t need our brightest minds out creating new problems we didn’t already have.
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If the Onion Wrote an Article About Small Ski Areas, it Might Go Like This
A satirical take on the state of skiing and some of the stranger behaviors that have both led to it or are trying to solve it.
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Maybe We’re the Ones to Blame for the Decrease in Resort Reach on Facebook
While specific to a time and situation, it’s an interesting lesson we often overlooking world of marketing…and social media.
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Sunshine Village: When Social Media Goes Horribly Wrong
It’s been years since the Sunshine Village social media meltdown. But the lessons learned therein will last for many more.
Read this Post – Part 1
Read the Post – Part 2